One Family are looking for an Engagement Mentor
Published: Wednesday, August 31, 2011

One Family welfare to work services facilitates a bridging process is to make possible career progressions of lone parents into education, skill development and employment. The focus will be on engagement mentoring and coaching to progress according to their career action plan. One Family are now seeking an engagement mentor.
- The role of the engagement mentor will include:
- Working on a 121 basis with learners and clients throughout their period of engagement with the programme.
- Coordinating a detailed assessment and identification of appropriate career pathways and networks.
- Providing relevant education, training and employment progression information to clients
- Engaging and identifying with relevant stakeholders to facilitate progression options.
- Providing coaching, mentoring and development inputs appropriate to the learner/client
- Liaise with the One Family Services Team around the progression and support needs of clients including the wrap-around services of Counselling, Parenting, Information and Childcare
- Develop and maintain a database on the progress of each person referred for career development/guidance service
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